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Dr. Jen's Immune Essentials

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  • Regular price $164.95
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    Kit Includes:

    • Dr. Jen's Vibrance C - This product delivers premier antioxidant power with natural free radical quenching activity for optimal immune support.
    • Dr. Jen's Biome Balance - This advanced formula is unmatched probiotic support for the body’s intestinal microbiome. By crowding out undesirable bacteria, the gut maintains a healthy flora while also supporting the normal immune reaction of intestinal cells.
    • Dr. Jen's Green Tea Complex - Green tea’s timeless health benefits can be traced to its naturally occurring bioactive compounds called catechins. Catechins are known to exhibit potent free radical neutralizing properties. The major catechin in green tea leaves is called EGCG and is valued for its active antioxidant properties.
    • Dr. Jen's Immuno Blend - A tried and true product for optimal immune support, Immuno Blend destroys illness-causing bacteria and viruses and is made with 100% certified organic ingredients and essential oils. 
    • ReFuel Minerals - A daily serving of these essential minerals promotes overall vitality, supports healthy energy levels, strengthens the immune system and enhances general wellness. 


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